State Profiles

In this section you can find profiles of each state including the number of dual eligibles who live there and the type of integrated care model the state is considering. Links to state websites on dual eligibles are included if available.


(see California tab for more detailed information)

Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract

(1.2 million duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model and/or Managed Fee-for-Service Model

California contracts with risk-based private managed care organizations to provide services in exchange for capitated payments in six counties.

State website:

California Proposal

California MOU  | MOU Fact Sheet

Justice in Aging’s Summary of the CA MOU

California Three-Way Contract

California Three-Way Contract for Subcontracted Plans 

Readiness Review Tool

Enrollment Dashboard


Quality Withhold Analysis Report for 2014 (Released 2017)


MOU Signed, Three-Way Contract Signed

DEMO Ending December 31, 2017

Transition Plan

(48,000 duals)

Managed Fee-for-Service Model (AC0)

Colorado proposes to enroll about 30,000 dual eligibles (half its dual population) into Colorado’s Accountable Care Collaborative, a hybrid of a primary care medical home and an ACO. The pilot will be statewide.

State website:

Colorado Proposal

Colorado MOU | MOU Factsheet


Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract

(659,800 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model and/or Managed Fee-for-Service Model

State website:

Illinois Proposal 

Illinois MMAI plan selection 

Illinois Proposal Addendum

Illinois MOU | MOU Fact Sheet

NSCLC’s Summary of the Illinois MOU

Illinois Three-Way Contract (original)

Illinois Three-Way Contract (Aug 2016)

Summary of Contract Changes (2016)


Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract

(245,248 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

Massachusetts is proposing to use Integrated Care Organizations (ICOs), which will either be insurance-based or provider-based health organizations.  Available statewide to full duals aged 21 to 64, opt-out enrollment.  Particular emphasis on meeting behavioral health needs.

State website:

Massachusetts Proposal

Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

MA Readiness Review Tool

Justice in Aging’s summary of the MOU

Three-way Contract for Massachusetts Demonstration

Three-way Contract for Massachusetts Summary of Beneficiary Protections

Three-Way Contract Amendment (2016)

Summary of Contract Language (2016)

First Annual Report

Massachusetts One Care Ombudsman


Signed MOU and Three Way Contract

(100,000 dual eligible individuals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

Michigan proposes a capitated model using risk-based managed care plans, ACO’s and other capitated entities. Target population is all dual eligibles statewide. Opt out enrollment.

State website:,4612,7-132-2945_64077-335999–,00.html

Michigan Proposal

Michigan MOU

Michigan Readiness Review Tool

Michigan Three-Way Contract

Three-Way Contract Update (2016)

Summary of Contract Changes (2016)


Signed MOU

(123,575 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

Minnesota  proposes a shared savings model using D-SNPs with waivers from certain current SNP requirements, as well as improvements to current initiatives including implementation of Health Care Homes (HCH) and provider level payment systems such as accountable care organizations (ACOs) and Total Cost of Care payment models. All full dual eligibles statewide with estimated enrollment of 54,300, most of whom will be seniors already enrolled in D-SNPs.

State website:

Minnesota Proposal

Minnesota MOU

MOU Addendum

MOU Extension 

New York

Signed MOU and Three Way Contract.

Withdrew managed FFS proposal (March 2013).

(691,036 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

New York is proposing a capitated managed care model for New York City building on its Medicaid long term care program.  Approach will be phased with projected eventual statewide enrollment of all duals.

State website:

New York Proposal

Letter from the Office of Health Insurance Programs to MMCO explaining decision not to pursue demonstration.

New York MOU 

New York Three-Way Contract


FIDA IDD Three-Way Contract

FIDA IDD Readiness Review Tool

Enrollment Timeline


Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract

(290,533 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

State website:

Ohio Proposal

Ohio Addendum

Ohio MOU

Integrated Care Delivery Plans Selected

Justice in Aging‘s Ohio MOU Summary

Ohio Three-Way Contract 

Three-Way Contract Update

Readiness Review

Phase I

Phase II

Phase II Attachment 

Rhode Island 

Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract 

(35,707 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

State website:

Rhode Island Proposal

Rhode Island MOU  

Three-Way Contract

Summary of Contract Changes

Readiness Review Tool

South Carolina

Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract

(134,673 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model and/or Managed Fee-for-Service Model

South Carolina is proposing an integrated care model that would use the new Health Home option in ACA.  Enrollment with an opt-out option to HCBS or FFS. The target population is dual eligibles with major diagnostic mental disorders or Alzheimer’s.

State website:

South Carolina Proposal

South Carolina MOU

South Carolina Three-Way Contract

Readiness Review Tool


Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract

(593,576 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

State website:

Texas Proposal

Addendum to Proposal

Texas MOU

Texas Three-Way Contract

Summary of Contract Changes

Readiness Review Tool


Signed MOU and Three-Way Contract

DEMO Ending 2017

(164,279 duals)

Capitated-Managed Care Model

State website:

Virginia Poverty Law Center: MOU Comments

Virginia Advocate Comments to DMAS on the Massachusetts Contract

Virginia Proposal

Virginia MOU

Justice in Aging‘s Virginia MOU Summary

Commonwealth Coordinated Care Rate Development Process

Virginia Three Way Contract

Three Way Contract Amendment

Summary of Contract Changes

Quality Withhold Analysis Report for 2014 (released 2017)


Signed MOU for Managed FFS (April 2013). Cancelled Capitated Model (February 2015).

(48,000: 21,000 in MFFS, 27,000 capitated)

Capitated and Managed Fee for Service Model

Washington will utilize both a capitated model and a managed fee-for-service demonstration. Under the capitated demonstration, 27,000 dual eligible individuals in King and Snohimish Counties will be eligible to enroll into private managed care plans that will manage Medicare and Medicaid Services.  Voluntary enrollment is scheduled to begin no earlier than July 1, 2014, and passive enrollment will not begin any earlier than September 1, 2014.

Washington was the first state to implement a managed fee-for-service model on July 1, 2013. The managed fee-for-service relies on a Health Home Lead Entity (HHLE) who subcontract with a Health Home Coordinated Care Organization (HCCO) to coordinate the health home services.

State website:

Washington Proposal

Memorandum of Understanding (MFFS)

Memorandum of Understanding (Capitated)

Final Demonstration Agreement (MFFS)

Final Demonstration Agreement Amendment 

Justice in Aging‘s Summary of the MOU

HealthPathWA letter

First Annual Report (MFFS)

CMS Dual Eligible Enrollee State Profiles,